FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Medicare Questions

Should I pay the balance listed as “your total responsibility” on the Explanation of Benefits?

We recommend you wait until you receive a bill from your medical provider before making payment. The amount could change depending on your individual insurance coverage.

What should I do with my Explanation of Benefits forms?

We recommend you keep the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms you receive from Medicare until all your medical claims have been paid in full. If you have other health insurance in addition to Medicare, your insurance company will normally require a copy of the EOB before they will pay any remaining balance on your account.>

What is my Medicare deductible?

Click Here for a detailed answer on the Medicare website:   http://www.medicare.gov

What is the difference between Part A and Part B Explanation of Benefits forms?

Part A covers inpatient hospitalization and Part B covers outpatient and physician services.

What is the Medicare Explanation of Benefits form?

The Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form is an information document that Medicare sends to you after it has processed your medical claims. The EOB provides you with information about the payment status of your bill.

Why do I have to give you information about other insurances if I have Medicare coverage?

In certain situations, we must consider the possibility that another party may be responsible for your expenses before we bill Medicare. For example, if you were injured in a car accident, at your work site or on someone else’s property, it is our responsibility to make sure those claims are filed appropriately. Consequently, we need to have complete information about all insurance coverage you have.

I have health insurance in addition to Medicare. Will you bill the other insurance company also?

If you have given us information about your additional health insurance, we will bill that insurance company after Medicare makes their payment.
